• Tips & Tricks
  • Jul 14, 2021

How to enhance real estate photos quick and easy?

Quality visuals are the key to online selling. When it comes to buying something as huge and important as a house, any buyer would want to look at the best images that do justice to the actual property.  But is real estate photography really important? Yes, professional-looking real estate pictures can significantly help in selling a property. For this reason, professional photographers pay much attention to the lighting, angle, and image background when it comes to taking shots of real estate. Let’s find out how enhancing real estate photography can do wonders for you! 

Benefits of Enhancing Real Estate Photography

Seize the Buyer’s Attention

Pictures generate leads. They are a great addition to textual information and often keep the potential buyers glued to their screens. But do all photographs catch user attention? Probably not!  Ordinary photos can end up leaving a bad impression on the user, and you may lose a potential customer. This explains the need to use quality images with an appropriate colored or custom background. Real estate is maybe the most important purchase in one’s lifetime and it demands perfect photography. 

difference between cloudy sky and bright sky photo for real estate

Increase Credibility

While house hunting, a buyer may come across numerous images which might be mediocre and not convincing enough to contact the seller. In that case, what makes the buyer come to a favorable decision right away? Professional-looking photographs with the right background are the answer! Good quality images translate into the efforts put into selling a property. Besides, quality images also win buyer’s trust.

Commands a Higher Price

No, this isn’t shocking! The quality of images can have a significant impact on the selling price of any product. Pictures that aptly capture the beauty of a property increase the chances of attracting potential customers at a higher sale price. As per a common saying, pictures are more powerful than words. They indeed are when it comes to converting leads and generating sales.  However, have you ever thought about how real estate photography would turn out if the sky is dark or grey? No doubt, a cloudy sky is a photographer’s worst nightmare, especially in the case of time-sensitive projects. But not to worry, as we are here to provide a solution to the concerned issue. Read on to know how you can improve real estate photos with a clear background and some easy editing.

Blue Sky Real Estate Photography

Don’t we all like to see things that evoke feelings of positivity and joy? Similar is the case with real estate photography. The first point of contact with photos is the object and the surrounding landscape, which sets the overall mood of the picture.  A barren land or a gloomy sky can turn things off for the buyer. On the contrary, a shiny bright sky can convey a positive emotion, be it real estate photography or images of other products. Besides, it’s common to imagine a dream house with a clear sky and hoping to live there one day. 

difference between cloudy sky and bright sky photo for real estate

The truth is that showing the right image to the right audience can be life-changing. So, it would be best if you made sure to remove the existing background and insert other picture backgrounds to enhance real estate photos.

How to Enhance Real Estate Photography with Slazzer?

The real estate industry is fast-paced, with several properties being sold and bought every day. And the prerequisite to selling property is premium quality images.  Professional photos featuring dreamy skies can be huge contributions to closing the deal quickly.  Now, we know that traditional editing can kill a lot of time and effort. But we are witnessing the modern and digital era of AI, which allows us to remove background in a flash and add the new one in seconds.   Here’s how you can remove the image background with Slazzer. 

  • Upload the image
  • Swap the gloomy sky to something more pleasing
  • Download the final result in seconds
cloudy sky vs removed sky vs bright sky Besides, if you want to process several images at once, the Slazzer desktop software can help you do that. It easily removes and replaces backgrounds with transparent backgrounds as well as colorful ones. You can use the Slazzer Editor to add background images, add background color, add text, add logo and add blur. Sounds impressive, right! Slazzer can also help enhance real estate photography by automating and boosting your workflow with its plugins, which includes – 
  • WooCommerce plugin – Remove the background of multiple images directly from the WordPress site
  • Figma plugin – Import your work onto Figma and remove the image background with a click 
  • Mobile app – Remove image backgrounds in less than 5 seconds by downloading the Slazzer app for free
  • Photoshop plugin – Remove image backgrounds in photoshop with a single click

Advantages of Blue Sky Photography

man taking photo of real estate image

Blue sky editing has its own perks, and when you realize that the editing can be done in seconds, you don’t need to compromise on image quality. You are no longer required to wait for a sunny day to get those perfect shots.  Moreover, your reputation can skyrocket if you successfully get clients for your property by providing good images.

Final Thoughts

There is no doubt that images are paramount when it comes to the real estate industry. Attracting potential buyers starts with impressing them with quality images of the property and its surroundings. Good quality images help – 

  • Catch buyer’s attention 
  • Increase credibility 
  • Command a higher price for the property 

And with Slazzer, you can do it all within seconds. Next time you want to enhance real estate photography, let us do the job for you. We will be glad to help!


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