Slazzer App
All-in-one AI photo editor
Netflairs Technology develops and operates the software solution, a web-based application for editing pictures. Contractual object is the appropriation of image data by the data provider for further development of the artificial intelligence of the application (hereinafter referred to as “the system“).
Contractual object is the concession of rights in accordance to point 3 of this agreement by the data provider to Netflairs Technology regarding to the image data selected by Netflairs Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the content“).
The data provider freely selects and provides images using the upload form.
Netflairs Technology is not obliged to use the contents provided.
The General Terms and Conditions apply.
The data provider grants Netflairs Technology the non-exclusive and irrevocable right to use the provided contents for the further development of the system without any regional or temporal restrictions. The contents may be used exclusively for the improvement of Contents can be used for the purpose of product improvement both internally and by external suppliers and partners of Netflairs Technology. The contents will not be published or used in any other way.
Netflairs Technology is only liable for damages due to culpable breach of contract in case of own negligence or that of a vicarious agent for intent or gross negligence. This does not apply to injury for life or health. The compensation of lost profit and consequential damages is excluded.
The data provider guaranties that by the provided contents no rights from third parties are violated (in particular copyrights, ancillary copyrights, personality rights, industrial property rights etc.) and will hold Netflairs Technology harmless from all claims made by third parties without recourse and without compensation.
The terms and conditions of the data provider do not apply.
The place of performance for all services under this contract is Kolkata, India.
The court of jurisdiction for legal disputes arising from or in connection with this contract is the factually competent court in the first district of Kolkata, India.
For legal disputes arising from this contract applies only Indian law.
Modifications and/or amendments to this agreement must be made in writing in order to be legally effective; any deviation from this provision also requires the written form.
Should individual clauses in this agreement be or become void, unenforceable and/or invalid, this will in no way lead to the entire agreement being void, unenforceable and/or invalid. In this case, both parties undertake to agree on an effective clause instead of the void, unenforceable and/other invalid provisions which comes closest to the economic purpose of the void, unenforceable and/other invalid regulation.
Language of contract is English. The English version of this agreement has precedence over any foreign language versions and is binding in case of doubt.